There has never been a time in history that we’ve been as informed and connected on a global level. Yet, never before have we struggled to connect with the people in front of us!
There’s a pull from the world to engage over the issues of the day. To participate in dialogue more than action. To comment without requiring any insight or intent to affect change. Opinions are expressed as rhetoric and disagreement results in disconnection. The world ‘woke’ up to a dictionary of new names, labels, genres and classifications.
But there’s an elephant in the room… a bone to be picked… and a point to be made. Not everyone subscribes to cancel culture. Not everybody chooses to name and shame. We don’t approve of bias or injustice. We don’t blindly accept the status quo. But in the days we find ourselves in, we have chosen to be fully awake to kindness and generosity, to love and laughter.
There are so many moments to be enjoyed, milestones to be celebrated and wines to be named!
Here’s to appreciating the beauty of discovery and staying un:woke together. 🥂